Monday, August 29, 2016

August's and September's Online Professional Development Opportunities

Despite my best intentions, class prep and beginning-of-the-semester meetings got in the way of posting this month. However, before the month is out, I wanted to do a quick round-up of the upcoming professional development opportunities that August and September still have in store!

NCTE's monthly Twitter chat, #nctechat, is focusing on black girls' literacies for its September chat. Join in the conversation on Sunday, September 18 at 8:00 pm ET.

Also, NCTE has a webinar on Thursday, September 1 at 4:30 pm ET entitled "Exploring Intersections between Digital and Disciplinary Literacy: Leveraging Synergies for Deeper Learning." It is free for NCTE members and $50.00 for non-NCTE members. That said, I'd highly recommend joining NCTE if you haven't done so already. Membership is $45 - $50 a year for teachers (and around $25.00 for pre-service teachers), and it gives you access to tools and resources, such as this webinar. NCTE is offering several webinars this semester, joining would be a cost-effective way of having access to all of them.

AMLE has several webinars that sound very interesting, particularly for those teaching at the middle school level (or those who are interested in teaching at that level). These webinars include:
The ASCD open webinars this month address a range of topics, including teacher evaluation and literacy. 
It's also worth noting that ASCD has a members only webinar on August 30! Click here for more information.

Each month, consistently offers a variety of topics that appeal to almost any subject area or grade level. Here are a few notable highlights:

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